welcome to litratista's territory

need a firm hand to hold, but only a small heart to understand

Monday, September 20, 2010

awful truth

السلام عليكم
greeting from Litratista...
living. even for a while brings many things to me. it bring meanings, embraces ol of da facts. in a very sudden way,it can change to be the worst disasters. not the lifes, but to me myself. talking bout 'while', it is not very cmmon in our consideration. talking, arguing, should be the 'sudden' fact of that prty damn shit condition! fear to be demolished, fear to be abandoned, fear to be alone is wht i should call 'partners' when facing this. hahaha..awful truth. i guess.
captured by : Aca Litratista

 been lonely for a moment, and being accmpanied by sumone for a blink, shows me sumthin'.life should be easy, n for a certain cndtion, it could be worse. whtever it takes, its obviously dpend on me. Even peace may be purchased at too high a price. hahaha. damn! awful i guess. smbdy said, dun u eva t8 da life seriously, u'll nver get out of it alive. hahaha...damn quotes! Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies. Dreams have only one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are lonely. shout it out! i'd rther to be a dreamer. dreams should be more fun than actual life. even the nightmare itself. life is half spent bfore we know whut it is about. get used to it. haha..but beware...life, is an art of drawing wthout an eraser..but dun wurry, "While there's life, there's hope."  so, paint ur life as we THINK them, not as we SEE them. get ur life, such a drawing, a picture. it worth thousands words. nver t8 it as a poem. bcoz poem is nver finished, it olweys abandoned!! feel it guys. Every man dies. Not every man really lives. think bout it.

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